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100 GS/s Digital to Analog Converter System

メーカーMicram instruments
アプリケーション200G, 400G and 1 Terabit communications systems
Multi Level Digital Signals (PAM4) generation
Dual Polarization signal generation
仕様1, 2 or 4 differential channels
>42+GHz Analog Bandwidth (-3dB point)
6bit vertical resolution
Rise/Fall time (20%-80%) < 7 ps
Ultra low intrinsic jitter
Sample Rate up to 100 GS/s on each channel
512k waveform memory
Fully automatic channel to channel syncronization
Output voltage up to .8 V diff pk-pk
LAN controlled with simple Matlab API
Flexible, powerful and expandable
特徴100GS/s Sample rate per channel
>42+GHz Analog Bandwidth
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